Applying ___ or renewing ___ as(check one): Individual__($35.00); Family__($45.00), or
Junior__(under 18, $5.00) Member. (Note: New members joining Rogue Fly
Fishers before June30th pay a full year dues; a new member joining after June 30th pay half category
dues.) Dues must accompany your application.
With membership, you will receive a member�s patch, membership directory, name badge, and letter
of further information and welcome. Monthly dinner meetings are the third Wednesday of the month with a Social Wet Fly
from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., and dinner with raffle, business, and program until usually a 9:00 p.m.
adjournment. Renew in December for the following year.
Name: ____________________________________
If a family membership, List Family Member�s Names__________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________
Best Contact Telephone Number:
Area Code _______ Number ______-__________________
E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________
If you do not want your e-mail address in the membership directory, Check here __
Are you a member of the Federation of Fly Fishers? Yes__No__
Prefer using the Online Newsletter__
or by US Mail ?__
Amount enclosed _________________.
Please mail completed form and payment to: