On The Fly "Fly tying is a school from which we never graduate" TYING NEWS
Tying News
The Southern Oregon Fly Tyers invite you to attend their meetings the second Tuesday of each month. The
next meeting is March 12, 2013. The meetings start at 6:00 PM, at the Madrone Hill Mobile Home Park
community building near Gold Hill. Bring a friend, come early so you don't miss anything, and stay
late. Tyers need not be experienced, and those with all levels of skill are welcome. Each meeting a member
is encouraged to demonstrate a new or different skill, from simple to difficult. For more information, call
Dan Kellogg at 773-4724.
Pinch barb down if your hook has one. Start with white thread 3 eye lengths back from the eye of hook. Make thread base - on a size 12 it will be about 1/8 in. Set wings back to back, take thread to point of hook. Put on tail & dub fur body , set wings upright. Switch to black thread and tie in 2 hackles, wrap two turns of both hackles behind wings and one turn in front. NOTE: Most Catskill style have 3 in back & 2 in front. This month will not be a particular pattern, but a style, a discipline or for many (myself included), a lifelong passion. Names like Cross, Darbee, Dette, Bergman, Flick, to name a very few, are tyers that I grew up studying their styles. My Grandfather was very adamant that I know every detail of their techniques. All have the same characteristics – upright wings, fine tapered bodies (of either quills, fur or floss) and full hackle. Most all of you have heard of or have used the Royal Coachman, Light Cahill and the Adams. These flies are all tyed Catskill style. I will tell the proper way to tie the Adams but if you want to see and learn how to tie more come to the March Club meeting. I would also encourage you to come to the Northwest Fly Tyer & Fly Fishing Expo in Albany, March 8 & 9. At Albany you will have the opportunity to see and learn from over 300 tyers in action, tying every fly imaginable to man and then some. Keep your thread tight! David |