On The Fly "Fly tying is a school from which we never graduate" TYING NEWS
The Southern Oregon Fly Tyers invite you to attend their meetings the second Tuesday of
each month. The next meeting is January 8, 2013. The meetings start at 6:00 PM, at the Madrone Hill
Mobile Home Park community building near Gold Hill. Bring a friend, come early so you don't miss
anything, and stay late. Tyers need not be experienced, and those with all levels of skill are
welcome. Each meeting a member is encouraged to demonstrate a new or different skill, from simple
to difficult. For more information, call Dan Kellogg at 773-4724.
Folks, Dan is going to be a hard act to follow, but I will do my best. The fly I picked
for this month is the Western Green Drake and some, me included, know it as Flav's. There are 4 flies in
the genus Drunella. The good news is all you have to do is pick a good pattern and use it for all 4, just
change size. This is going to be a dry pattern, I've used this fly in spring creeks in Montana, here on the
Rogue, Idaho and in Northern Calif. I will be tying it at the next meeting and it will be the first fly we
tie in the upcoming tying class