Hook: Size 10 - 2 Mustad 9671 or 38941
Thread: Color to match fly 6/0 (illustrated fly is olive)
Tail: 2 hackle feathers held back to back
Body: Medium chenille to match hackle color
Rib: fine oval tinsel or wire
Collar: Hen hackle to match fly color
Optional: Red hackle for gills and jungle cock side marker
Tying Instructions:
1. Tie on in front and wrap thread base to just before the hook
2. Tie in tinsel or wire and body chenille
3. Wrap chenille forward to 2/3 of shank length and tie off
4. Place tail hackle feathers back to back with shiny side out on top of body
(Strip bottom barbs off to fit snuggly on top of body)
5. Wrap wire to head holding tail hackle in place. Tie off and trim
( pass wire between hackle barbs so they form the fin)
6. Tie in the collar hackle 3 - 4 turns for a collar and
wind back on barbs to achieve the proper angle.
7. Form a small head, whip finish and cement.