
Rogue Flyfishers
PO Box 4637
Medford, Oregon 97501

Organized in 1971, the Rogue Flyfishers seek to promote fellowship among individuals and groups to further interest in the sport, to improve angling techniques, and to educate members and the public in ways to preserve and improve the natural resources, environment, and conditions for fishing in the Rogue Valley.

Join the
Rogue Flyfishers


Proud to be an FFI Affiliated Club

Rogue Flyfishers Meeting

click here for the current Board Minutes

The next club meeting is Wednesday September 18th at Centennial Golf Club
1900 N. Phoenix Rd. Medford, 97504
Wet fly 5:30 – 6:30pm
Dinner and meeting at 7:15pm
Raffle to follow Program

BUFFET DINNER is $25 per person

Chicken Piccata, Wild Rice Pilaf, Caesar Salad, Rolls, Dessert

RSVP’s need to be in by Friday ( September 13th )
preceding the meeting.
Please email your RSVP to icrsrd303@gmail.com
(give your name and how many for dinner) For those who cannot do email call (661)742-5835 afternoons only. Pay when you arrive. We take cash or checks only. Special dietary requests: email Steve Day at icrsrd303@gmail.com or call (661)742-5835 by Tuesday preceding the meeting


Jeff Putnam

Jeff will discuss Guiding the Middle Rogue / Developing his own line of two hand rods / His Fly Fishing schools / and Rogue on the Fly 2024!

At eleven years of age, Jeff traded in his spinning rod for his first fly fishing outfit and started fishing many trout-filled streams in the Sierra Mountains. It was not long before fishing challenging gin-clear spring creeks, emerald green coastal steelhead rivers and fertile lakes all over the Western U.S. that Jeff realized fly fishing was more than just a sport. Jeff began fly tying commercially at 13 and started guiding fly fishermen on Northern California’s waters as early as age 16. He has participated with the F.F.F. as a Certified Casting Instructor; both CI and THCI and was the 5 th individual in the world to complete and pass the Double Handed Certification Test.

Jeff recently started his custom line of two handed spey rods for sale through his website. He possesses a true angling passion for steelhead on a spey rod, matching the hatch for spring creek trout and searching the tropical saltwater flats.

Auction Information can be found on the Club Calendar
or by clicking here

Purchase AUCTION TICKET(links to PayPal)

Say No to Jet Boats on the Upper Rogue Video
Click here

To help to determine if a dredging operation is legal or not, click here

Electronic Membership application or renewal --
pay with PayPal

DONATION(links to PayPal)

Where to fish the Upper Rogue?
click here for locations

USGS Rogue River Data

How you can help

Casting For Recovery
click here for information

click here for SO Fly Tyers Blog


Partners with Temple Fork Outfitters